Geography Elective excursions

Auseco offers field trip excursions for students studying Geography Elective in schools in and around Sydney. Our programs align with two units of study within this subject and complement classroom work with active, hands-on activities and experiential learning.

Oceanography and Physical Geography

Towra Point Nature Reserve provides a fascinating context for studying geographical processes.

Syllabus outcomes from this field trip

GEE5-1 A student explains the diverse features and characteristics of a range of places, environments and activities.

GEE5-02 A student explains geographical processes and influences that form and transform places and environments

GEE5-3 A student analyses patterns associated with natural phenomena and human activity at a range of scales

GEE5-04 A student assesses the interactions and connections between people, places and environments that impact on sustainability

GEE5-05 A student accounts for contemporary geographical issues and events that impact on places and environments

GEE5-07 A student analyses management strategies and the roles and responsibilities of individuals, groups and governments in response to geographical issues

GEE5-08 A student acquires and processes geographical information by selecting and using appropriate and relevant geographical tools for inquiry

GEE5-09 A student communicates geographical information to a range of audiences using a variety of strategies and geographical tools

Botany Bay

In Botany Bay, a place of indigenous lore, cultural significance and bountiful marine resources, we will collect primary data and make observations about the physical and biological processes taking place in the seagrass and mangrove ecosystems. This will assist students to evaluate how Towra Point Nature Reserve and the surrounding marine environment are achieving ecological sustainability.


Program outline

  • Morning session: Site briefing, background, physical testing
  • Midday session: Sampling oyster populations using quadrats, field sketch
  • Afternoon session: Animal catch, human impact and sustainability study

The timing and location of activities will vary according to factors such as the school’s schedule, number of classes, and the environmental conditions on the day.

Sample worksheets are available which also contain details of field skills, equipment and secondary data provided by this program. Contact us to request.